ACAD 1601 FA004
Academic Writing
September - December 2019
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This assignment is due on October 28. It must be submitted through SafeAssign as well as in paper.

You must produce an annotated bibliography containing five entries. Choose resources that will help you write your next assignment: the academic essay assignment.

In preparation for your academic essay, you must find five resources that you could potentially use for your academic essay assignment.

Each entry must have a short annotation, consisting of two parts:

For this assignment, you may not include:

Penalty: 20 points if there is only one academic, peer-reviewed resource.
Penalty: 40 points if there is no academic, peer-reviewed resource.
Penalty: up to 20 points for missing, inaccurate, or poorly formatted bibliographic information.

There should be no need for quotations. There is no need to use any other resource than those you are including. Format your bibliography according to MLA, APA, or Chicago standards.

As always, use double-space lineation, one-inch margins, and the Times New Roman font, 12-point in size.

Marc R. Plamondon, Ph.D. Department of English Studies Nipissing University