General course information
Required Texts
Course Objectives
- continue to develop ability to write clear, error-free, university-level prose
- continue to develop ability to write short argumentative essays
- demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of basic theories of satire
- demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the selected television episodes
- develop ability to understand the cultural, satiric statements made by the television episodes
Preparation and Participation
You are expected to participate in class in an informed manner. At the very least, you are expected to come to class regularly, having read all assigned reading and viewed all assigned episodes. You are expected to participate in class discussions. Keep in mind that participating in class is usually a highly rewarding experience, greatly enhancing your ability to understand the course material and helping ensure your success in the course. Everyone is expected to be courteous and professional at all times in class.
Essays are due in class on the above dates. The short essay may be handed in any time up to and including April 6th (the last day of classes) without penalty: if it is handed in after March 2nd, it will be read and graded carefully, but without any feedback. The long essay may be handed in up to and including April 6th (the last day of classes) without penalty: if it is handed in after March 30th, it will be read and graded carefully, but without any feedback. After April 6th, all late essays will be penalized at the rate of 2%/day (including weekend days). No essay will be accepted after the start of the final exam.
The Department of English Studies and Nipissing University maintain a strict policy on all forms of academic dishonesty.
Each assignment must be original work produced by the student only for this course. All referencing and documentation must
be complete and accurate for both direct and indirect quotations. The Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines for essay
preparation are the standard in English Studies. Ignorance of what constitutes plagiarism will not be accepted as an excuse:
if you are uncertain about any of this information, see your instructor immediately. All essays and tests are subject to an
additional oral and/or written test at the instructor’s discretion. All suspected plagiarism will be reported to the
chair of the department, the dean of the faculty, and the registrar of the university.