ENGL 3606: Representing Artificial Intelligence: September - December 2011
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Short Essay Assignment

Write a short essay, of three to four pages, that constitutes a critical analysis of one of our course texts (play, novel, essay, movie, or non-fiction book listed on the course outline). The essay must be about a text that has not yet been discussed in class; thus, the essay is due at the beginning of the class during which we are scheduled to discuss that particular text or anytime before that class.

Note that this is a critical analysis, not a personal response essay.

Note also that this is not a review of the text. You are not writing a book review or a movie review: you are writing an analysis.

The specific approach you take to this assignment is open; however, your essay should be an argumentative essay. You should propose a theory (or thesis) and argue for it. Your essay must focus on how the artificial intelligence(s) in the text are portrayed and/or their role within the text. You may analyse the human characters, but you should focus on their relationship(s) with the artificial intelligence(s).

As with most English Studies essays, value will be awarded based on the depth of the analysis, the complexity of the discussion, the solidity of the writing, and the thoroughness of the support to the thesis.

You may use any reference or critical source you wish for this essay, but you should try to use authoritative and academic sources. Ultimately, it is your own analysis that is important: I do not want to grade someone else’s ideas other than your own. As always, plagiarism will not be tolerated. Document all sources (of ideas and of quotations), including all web sources (whether an author is identifiable or not).

Essays should conform to MLA guidelines. Essays should have double-spaced lineation. Printed essays should use a 12-point, serif font and should not have a justified right margin. Please use one-inch margins on all sides. Please do not submit the essay in a binder or folder. I am not fond of title pages.

Essays shorter than three pages or longer than five pages may be returned unread. See Information for the lateness penalties.

Marc R. Plamondon, Ph.D. Department of English Studies Nipissing University